Monday, November 17, 2008

Wise 1.0 roadmap

Wise team has just started the coding phase driving us to 1.0 release.

Some highlight of 1.0 roadmap:
Moreover this release would provide a stable API to our user.

Would you lend an hand? Join our forums, discuss issues with us, test 0.9 release and provide patches and purpose new features. If you want to contribute don't miss our contributor guideline

We have also started a discussion about Wise webgui that will not be in this relase, but could be very interesting, and for which we would like very much contributions from community (and we are also getting some!)

Monday, November 3, 2008

Wise 0.9 released

We are proud to announce the first JBoss's release of Wise project.

This release contains only the Wise-core module with all basic features enabled. Take a look to our Programmers guide for a complete description of the features and possible uses of our APIs.

Some cool features we would remark are:
  1. One line of code invocation
  2. Interactively explore your wsdl objects
  3. Support of Groovy
  4. Support of standard and Smooks' based JAX-WS handlers
  5. WiseMapper: from your own object model to the generated JAX-WS model and vice versa. We Support year both Smooks and your own custom mapper.
We are working hard to define the definitive roadmap for 1.0 release (scheduled before the end of the year) and we will post about here very soon.

This first release have to be considered as a preview release kicked out to ask feedback from the community for our APIs. We don't consider at this level API stable, but we would stabilize them before the end of the year and so we are publishing a preview of our 1.0 release.
Please have a look, get it to play and give us feedback in our developer forum. Of course don't hesitate to ask help in our user forum too.

Stay tuned for 1.0 could get some great surprises ;)